RI-23-06: U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Road) - City of Petersburg

RI-23-06 Overview Map

From Wagner Road to Route 629 (Rives Road)

Project Purpose

The purpose of this study is to evaluate safety and operational issues and develop solutions along Wagner Road from Normandy Drive to U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Road), U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Road) from Wagner Road to Route 629 (Rives Road), and Route 629 (Rives Road) from U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Road) to Lakeshore Drive. This 3.7-mile corridor includes segments identified with VTrans Priority 1 District Needs. The majority of this corridor is considered a VTrans Priority 2 District Safety Improvement Need, with one fatal pedestrian crash and two Potential for Safety Improvement (PSI) intersections along the corridor. The study goals are to identify safety, congestion, transportation demand management, and accessibility (bicycle, pedestrian, and transit) improvements along the corridor for all transportation users.

Study Partners

  • City of Petersburg
  • Prince George County
  • Crater PDC
  • WSP

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Liz McAdory

Lead Consultant: Sachin Katkar


Phase 1 May - August 2023 Diagnose Problems/Conduct Initial Public Outreach/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 September - December 2023 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives/Conduct Public Outreach and Obtain Feedback/Select Preferred Alternatives
Phase 3 January-July 2024  Conduct Risk Assessment/Develop and Refine Preferred Alternatives/Prepare Cost Estimate and Investment Strategy

Study Documents

The Phase 1 survey regarding potential transportation safety, operations, congestion mitigation, access, transportation demand management, and bicycle/pedestrian/transit improvements along Wagner Rd. from Normandy Dr. to U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Rd.), U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Rd.) from Wagner Rd. to Route 629 (Rives Rd.), and Route 629 (Rives Rd.) from U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Rd.) to Lakeshore Dr. in the City of Petersburg is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
August 9-September 6, 2023 161


The following needs have been identified for this study. Do you agree with this initial assessment?
Safety 89%
Congestion Mitigation 71%
Transportation Demand Management 49%
Bike & Pedestrian Access & Mobility 45%
Transit Accessibility 43%
Operations 42%


What mode(s) of travel do you use when traveling along the study area?
Personal Vehicle 98%
Walking 10%
Truck or commercial vehicle 9%
Cycling 8%
Metro bus, local bus, or commuter bus 4%
Taxi / Uber / Lyft 3%
Other 2%
Carpool / Vanpool 1%

The Phase 2 survey regarding potential improvements along Wagner Rd. from Normandy Dr. to U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Rd.), U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Rd.) from Wagner Rd. to Route 629 (Rives Rd.), and Route 629 (Rives Rd.) from U.S. Route 301 (S. Crater Rd.) to Lakeshore Dr. in the City of Petersburg and Prince George County is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
April 15-29, 2024

Wagner Road and S. Crater Road Area

Intersection of Wagner Road at Medical Park Boulevard and Brasfield Parkway

  • Install an LED signal-activated RED SIGNAL AHEAD sign on the westbound Wagner Road approach
  • Install yellow reflective backplates on signal heads
  • Increase intersection lighting
  • Improve existing crosswalks with high visibility crosswalks
  • Add lane extension pavement marking guidance for dual left turns
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Installing LED signal-activated RED SIGNAL AHEAD sign on westbound Wagner Road approach 7% 5% 18% 17% 53%
Installing yellow reflective backplates on signal heads 5% 5% 15% 22% 53%
Increasing intersection lighting 4% 3% 11% 18% 65%
Improving existing crosswalks with high visibility crosswalks 6% 5% 16% 13% 61%
Adding lane extension pavement marking guidance for dual left turns 5% 2% 10% 18% 65%

Intersection of Wagner Road at S. Crater Road

  • Construct northbound right turn bay along S. Crater Road
  • Restrict access points along Wagner Road and S Crater Road
  • Install a directional median along Wagner Road to prohibit left turns out of Wawa
  • Close the Subway and Enterprise driveways that are located within 50 ft of the intersection (alternate access remains open for both businesses)
  • Provide additional signal improvements
    • Add additional pedestrian signals and high visibility crosswalks
    • Optimize signal timings
    • Install uniform street name signs
  • Add intersection lighting
  • Add lane extension pavement marking guidance for dual left turns
  • Install sidewalk surrounding intersection (will impact existing right-of-way)
  • Replace existing span wire signal with mast arm signals (as part of another project by others)
    • Another project will upgrade existing signal infrastructure (replacing existing signal poles, span wires and signal heads with modern signal poles with mast arms for better durability and visibility).
    • Add pedestrian signals and high visibility crosswalks
    • Improve signal equipment for safety /visibility
    • Improve signal phasing
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Constructing northbound right turn bay along S. Crater Road 4% 3% 7% 19% 67%
Restricting access points along Wagner Road and S. Crater Road 17% 10% 15% 12% 46%
Providing additional signal improvements 3% 2% 9% 19% 67%
Adding intersection lighting 2% 2% 11% 13% 71%
Adding lane extension pavement marking guidance for dual left turns 4% 2% 9% 17% 69%
Installing sidewalk surrounding intersection 7% 3% 16% 13% 61%

Intersection of S. Crater Road at Crater Circle

  • Extend the northbound median to existing stop bar
  • Optimize signal timings and add pedestrian signal phases
  • Replace existing span wire signal with mast arm signal2
    • Add pedestrian signals and high visibility crosswalks
    • Improve signal equipment for safety/visibility
    • Optimize signal timing
    • Install uniform street name signs
  • Add intersection lighting
  • Install sidewalk surrounding intersection (will impact existing right-of-way)
  • Add lane extension pavement marking guidance for dual left turns
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Extending the northbound median to the existing stop bar 6% 2% 19% 16% 57%
Optimizing signal timings and adding pedestrian signal phases 5% 3% 12% 13% 68%
Replacing existing span wire signal with mast arm signal 6% 2% 18% 15% 59%
Adding intersection lighting 5% 1% 11% 11% 72%
Installing sidewalk surrounding intersection 6% 3% 19% 12% 62%
Adding lane extension pavement marking guidance for dual left turns 6% 1% 11% 16% 66%

Intersection of Wagner Road at Normandy Drive

  • Construct a southbound right turn bay
  • Add intersection lighting
  • Install yellow reflective backplates on signal heads
  • Install uniform street name signs
  • Improvements completed by others:
    • Add a northbound right turn lane
    • Extend the eastbound right turn and westbound left turn lanes
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Constructing a southbound right turn bay 7% 2% 14% 20% 57%
Adding intersection lighting 5% 2% 12% 14% 67%
Installing yellow reflective backplates on signal heads 5% 1% 18% 16% 58%
Installing uniform street name signs 4% 1% 15% 13% 67%

Rives Road and I-95 Interchange

Rives Road at I-95 Interchange - Option 1 Roundabouts

  • Install roundabouts at both the I-95 southbound and northbound ramps on Rives Road
  • Add intersection lighting
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Installing roundabouts at both the southbound and northbound ramps 21% 6% 6% 11% 56%
Adding intersection lighting 2% 1% 7% 11% 79%

Rives Road at I-95 Interchange - Option 2 Traffic Signal

  • Install a traffic signal at the southbound ramp
  • Add a southbound right turn bay at the southbound ramp
  • Add intersection lighting
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Installing a traffic signal at the southbound ramps 15% 9% 11% 16% 50%
Adding a southbound right turn bay at the southbound ramps 7% 4% 9% 18% 62%
Adding intersection lighting 6% 1% 8% 13% 71%

Study Area Wide Pedestrian and Bike Access

Study Area Wide Pedestrian and Bike Access Improvements

  • Install sidewalk to fill in gaps along both sides of S Crater Road to provide a continuous sidewalk along the entire corridor from Wagner Road to N. Plains Road
    • Right-of-way will be required at various points along the corridor
    • A section of retaining wall will be required at the Crater Circle intersection
    • A shared use-path south of Walmart is anticipated to be completed by others
  • Install sidewalk along the south side of Wagner Road from S Crater Road to Medical Park Boulevard
    • Right-of-way will be required at various points along the corridor
    • A section of retaining wall and guardrail will be required west of Medical Park Boulevard
  • Provide high visibility crosswalks and pedestrian signals at the intersections of Wagner Road, Crater Circle, and Walmart
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Installing sidewalk to fill in gaps along both sides of S. Crater Road, providing continuous sidewalk from Wagner Road to N. Plains Road 7% - 18% 15% 61%
Installing sidewalk along south side of Wagner Road from S. Crater Road to Medical Park Boulevard 8% 1% 16% 15% 60%
Providing high visibility crosswalks and pedestrian signals at the intersections of Wagner Road, Crater Circle and Walmart 7% 1% 16% 16% 61%


RI-23-06 Final Report - PDF, 9.5MB

Last updated: December 26, 2024

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