FR-23-08: Route 3 (Plank Road)

FR-23-08 Overview Map

Taskforce Drive TO East of South I-95 Interchange Ramps

Project Purpose

The purpose of this study was to compile and analyze data related to VTrans needs that were identified along the corridor and to produce recommended improvements. The study built off the initial Project Pipeline Route 3 study (FR01).

Based on a thorough review of existing and future conditions data, the study team and VDOT has determined that the needs of the Route 3 corridor can be best addressed through regional study and funding programs. The operations and safety data indicate the need for larger scale improvements with regional considerations. The alternatives that were evaluated and developed during Phase 2 of Project Pipeline do not fully address the safety and operational issues of the corridor. For this reason, VDOT has decided to complete the study with the conclusion of Phase 2.

Study Partners

  • Spotsylvania County
  • City of Fredericksburg
  • Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC)
  • JMT

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Linda LaSut and Casandra Lord

Lead Consultant: John Riley and Karzan Bahaaldin


Phase 1 May - August 2023 Diagnose Problems/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 September 2023 – May 2024 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives

Study Documents

Last updated: June 27, 2024

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