RI-23-10: Route 10 (Randolph Road) - City of Hopewell

RI-23-10 Overview Map

From W. Cawson Street to N. Terminal Street / Rev CW Harris Street

Project Purpose

The purpose of this study is to evaluate safety and operational issues and develop solutions along Route 10 (Randolph Road) from W. Cawson Street to N. Terminal Street/Rev CW Harris Street. This 0.4-mile corridor includes segments identified with VTrans Priority 2 District Needs. Two intersections (N. Main Street and E. City Point Road) have been identified as VTrans Safety Improvement Nodes. In addition, the city is concerned with high-speed truck traffic along the corridor. The study goals are to identify safety, transportation demand management, and accessibility (bicycle, pedestrian, and transit) improvements along the corridor for all transportation users.

Study Partners

  • City of Hopewell
  • Tri-Cities Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • Hopewell Downtown Partnership
  • WSP

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Liz McAdory

Lead Consultant: Sachin Katkar


Phase 1 May - August 2023 Diagnose Problems/Conduct Initial Public Outreach/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 September - December 2023 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives/Conduct Public Outreach and Obtain Feedback/Select Preferred Alternatives
Phase 3 January-July 2024  Conduct Risk Assessment/Develop and Refine Preferred Alternatives/Prepare Cost Estimate and Investment Strategy

Study Documents

The Phase 1 survey regarding potential transportation safety, operations, access, transportation demand management, and bicycle/pedestrian/transit improvements along Route 10 (Randolph Rd.) from W. Cawson St. to N. Terminal Street/Rev CW Harris St. in the City of Hopewell is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
August 14-September 6, 2023 139


The following needs have been identified for this study. Do you agree with this initial assessment?
Safety 93%
Operations 55%
Transportation Demand Management 54%
Transit Accessibility 49%
Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility 44%


What mode(s) of travel do you use when traveling along the study area?
Personal Vehicle 99%
Walking 22%
Cycling 8%
Carpool / Vanpool 5%
Truck or Commercial Vehicle 5%
Other 2%
Taxi / Uber / Lyft 1%
Metro Bus, Local Bus, or Commuter Bus 1%

The Phase 2 survey regarding potential improvements along Route 10 (Randolph Rd.) from W. Cawson St. to N. Terminal St./Rev CW Harris St. in the City of Hopewell is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
April 8-22, 2024

Proposed Improvements

E. Randolph Road from W. Cawson Street to N. Terminal Street

  • Repurpose the existing four lane section of E. Randolph Road to three lanes to include one thru-travel lane in each direction and dedicated left turn lanes at the intersections
  • Reduce the speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph through the project limits
  • Extend Appomattox Street to create a new signalized intersection with E. Randolph Road
  • Close one block of N. Main Street on each side of E. Randolph Road to traffic and convert that space to pedestrian only zones
  • Add an 8’ shared use path on the south side of E. Randolph Road from N. Main Street to E. Poythress Street to match up with the currently planned shared use path that ends at N. Main Street
  • Provide a 6’ landscaped green buffer space between the shared use path and the travel lanes
  • Upgrade existing sidewalk along the north side of W. Broadway Street between N. Main Street and E. Randolph Road to 6’ width
  • Upgrade existing sidewalk along the south side of E. Randolph Road between E. Poythress Street and N. Terminal Street to 6’ width
  • Install American Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliant ramps at the intersections
  • Provide high visibility crosswalks at all intersections
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Repurposing existing four lanes to three lanes, including one thru-travel lane in each direction, and dedicated left-turn lanes 32% 5% 14% 15% 32%
Reducing speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph 44% 11% 10% 10% 26%
Extending Appomattox Street to create new signalized intersection with E. Randolph Road 22% 8% 16% 23% 31%
Closing one block of N. Main Street (between City Hall and Ashford Plaza), converting it to pedestrian-only area 30% 10% 16% 13% 31%
Adding 8' shared use path on south side of Randolph Road 26% 11% 21% 16% 26%
Providing a 6' landscaped green buffer space between shared use path & travel lanes 23% 12% 19% 16% 31%
Upgrading existing sidewalk along north side of W Broadway Street between N Main Street and E Randolph Road 7% 6% 14% 18% 56%
Upgrading existing sidewalk along south side of E. Randolph Road between E. Polythress Street and N. Terminal Street 8% 5% 10% 19% 58%
Installing ADA compliant ramps 4% 1% 17% 11% 68%
Providing high visibility crosswalks 5% - 13% 7% 75%


RI-23-10 Final Report - PDF, 11.5MB

Last updated: January 16, 2025

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