NV-23-07: Eisenhower Avenue

NV-23-07 Overview Map

Van Dorn Street TO Holland Lane

Project Purpose

The focus of this study is to assess key areas of Eisenhower Avenue. The study will seek to identify ways to improve bicycle and pedestrian access (very high VTrans needs). The study will also review transit access, transportation demand management, congestion mitigation, and safety improvement alternatives.

Study Partners

  • City of Alexandria

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Rahul Trivedi

Lead Consultant: Dan Goldfarb


Phase 1 May - August 2023 Diagnose Problems/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 September 2023 - May 2024 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives/Conduct Public Outreach and Obtain Feedback/Select Preferred Alternatives
Phase 3 May - July 2024 Conduct Risk Assessment/Develop and Refine Preferred Alternatives/Prepare Cost Estimate and Investment Strategy

Study Documents

The Phase 2 survey regarding potential improvements on Eisenhower Ave. between Van Dorn St. and Holland Ln. in the City of Alexandria is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
April 22-May 10, 2024

Proposed Improvements  - Eisenhower Avenue from Van Dorn Street to the Van Dorn Metro Station

Intersection of Van Dorn Street and Eisenhower Avenue

  • Relocate the left turns from southbound Van Dorn Street to eastbound Eisenhower Avenue and from westbound Eisenhower Avenue to southbound Van Dorn Street.
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 14% 7% 13% 25% 41%

Sidewalk Improvements

  • Construct a new sidewalk on the south side of Eisenhower Avenue from Van Dorn Street to the Van Dorn Metro Station
  • Reduce capacity and re-utilize one lane on eastbound Eisenhower Avenue between Van Dorn Street and Metro Road
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 14% 6% 7% 17% 55%

Bus Stop Improvements

  • Improve the bus stop of the south side of Eisenhower Avenue (adjacent to eastbound traffic) between Metro Road and Van Dorn Street
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 9% 3% 24% 19% 45%

Cycle Track Improvements

  • Construct a two-way cycle track along the north side of Eisenhower Avenue from the Van Dorn Metro Station to Van Dorn Street
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 18% 7% 12% 16% 46%

Potential Future Traffic Improvement

Road Diet

  • Reduce capacity for Eisenhower Avenue from Clermont Avenue to the Van Dorn Metro Station

This could be a potential future traffic improvement (not necessarily part of this study). The two-way cycle track would be part of the reduction in roadway capacity.

Option Result
Option 1: Two travel lanes (one in each direction) with a center turn lane 69%
Option 3: Two travel lanes westbound (peak direction), one eastbound travel lane, and a center turn lane 68%
Option 4: No Build 66%
Option 2: Four travel lanes with no center turn lane 57%

Do you think the City of Alexandria should consider continuing the north side bicycle facility on Eisenhower Avenue from Holmes Run Trail to Mill Road (West)?

Option Result
Yes 76%
No 24%


NV-23-07 Final Report - PDF, 27MB

Last updated: December 12, 2024

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