Intersection of Route 17 (George Washington Memorial Highway) and Route 171 (Victory Boulevard)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the operational and safety issues identified at the intersection of Route 17 (George Washington Memorial Highway) and Route 171 (Victory Boulevard), with a focus on providing enhanced bicycle and transit access, transportation demand management, safety improvements, and congestion mitigation. This intersection area has a high number of rear-end crashes related to congestion and a high number of angle crashes at both signalized and unsignalized intersections. The surrounding area sees an increase of commuters during AM and PM peak hours, which places stress on the intersection and leads to significant congestion. The objective of this study is to identify cost-effective preferred improvement alternatives that address the documented needs.
District Lead: Jerry Pauley/Eric Stringfield
Lead Consultant: Rob Prunty/Andy Nagle
Phase 1 | May - August 2023 | Diagnose Problems/Brainstorm Alternatives |
Phase 2 | September 2023 - April 2024 | Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives/Conduct Public Outreach and Obtain Feedback/Select Preferred Alternatives |
Phase 3 | May - August 2024 | Conduct Risk Assessment/Develop and Refine Preferred Alternatives/Prepare Cost Estimate and Investment Strategy |
HR-23-10 Phase 1 Executive Summary - PDF, 900KB
HR-23-10 Phase 2 Executive Summary - PDF, 400KB
The Phase 2 survey regarding potential improvements at the intersection of Route 17 (George Washington Memorial Highway) and Route 171 (Victory Boulevard), in York County is complete.
Dates | Number of Participants (unique individuals) |
March 8-22, 2024 | 2,606 |
Rank the most important issues to you in the study area.
Option | Result |
Reducing traffic congestion
92% |
Corridor safety / intersection safety
64% |
Proper pavement marking and signage
52% |
Aggressive driving
50% |
47% |
Pedestrian safety and accessibility
44% |
Bicycle safety and accessibility
41% |
Public transit access and service
41% |
Which of the following safety issues concern you? (Check all that apply)
Option | Result |
Sudden stopping / rear-end crashes
64% |
Running red lights
58% |
Aggressive driving
51% |
Difficulty weaving / merging
43% |
38% |
Side-impact crashes
28% |
Inadequate pavement marking and signage
26% |
Lack of sidewalks / missing sidewalks
24% |
Insufficient / missing crosswalks and pedestrian signal timing
20% |
Inadequate lighting
19% |
Inadequate bicycle facilities
11% |
5% |
Closely-spaced driveways
5% |
Lack of ADA ramps and accessibility
5% |
Inadequate transit / bus stops
4% |
Four potential intersection concepts were identified to address the needs at the Route 17 (George Washington Memorial Highway) and Route 171 (Victory Boulevard) intersection
Conventional Intersection Improvements
1. Strongly oppose | 2. Somewhat oppose | 3. Neutral | 4. Somewhat support | 5. Strongly support | |
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 | 5% | 8% | 15% | 36% | 36% |
Partial Displaced Left Turn
1. Strongly oppose | 2. Somewhat oppose | 3. Neutral | 4. Somewhat support | 5. Strongly support | |
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 |
18% | 22% | 24% | 13% |
Full Displaced Left Turn
1. Strongly oppose | 2. Somewhat oppose | 3. Neutral | 4. Somewhat support | 5. Strongly support | |
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 |
16% | 17% | 22% | 19% |
Partial Median U-Turn
1. Strongly oppose | 2. Somewhat oppose | 3. Neutral | 4. Somewhat support | 5. Strongly support | |
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 |
18% | 12% | 7% | 4% |
Last updated: July 8, 2024