HR-23-07: South Military Highway/George Washington Highway - City of Chesapeake

HR-23-07 Overview Map

Intersection of South Military Highway (Route 13/Route 460)/George Washington Highway (Route 17)

Project Purpose

The purpose of this study is to analyze the operational and safety issues identified at the intersection of South Military Highway (Route 13/Route 460) and George Washington Highway (Route 17), with a focus on providing enhanced bicycle and transit access, transportation demand management, safety improvements, and congestion mitigation. The intersection has a high number of angle crashes and three pedestrian crashes were reported between 2018 and 2022. One cyclist fatality occurred in 2019. The objective of this study is to identify cost-effective preferred improvement alternatives that address the documented needs.

Study Partners

  • City of Chesapeake
  • Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (HRTPO)
  • Kimley-Horn

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Eric Stringfield/Jerry Pauley 

Lead Consultant: Rob Prunty/Andy Nagle


Phase 1 May - August 2023 Diagnose Problems/Conduct Initial Public Outreach/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 September 2023 - April 2024 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives/Conduct Public Outreach and Obtain Feedback/Select Preferred Alternatives
Phase 3 May - August 2024 Conduct Risk Assessment/Develop and Refine Preferred Alternatives/Prepare Cost Estimate and Investment Strategy

Study Documents

The Phase 1 survey regarding potential transportation safety, operations, congestion mitigation, bicycle/transit access, and transportation demand management improvements at the intersection of South Military Highway (Route 13/Route 460) and George Washington Highway (Route 17), in the city of Chesapeake is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
August 24-September 11, 2023 267


The following needs have been identified for this study. Do you agree with this initial assessment?
Congestion Mitigation 92%
Safety Improvements 73%
Pedestrian Safety Improvements 49%
Transportation Demand Management 47%
Reliability 42%
Enhanced Bicycle Access 35%
Enhanced Transit Access 34%


What mode(s) of travel do you use when traveling along the study area?
Personal Vehicle 99%
Walking 8%
Cycling 6%
Truck or Commercial Vehicle 4%
Taxi / Uber / Lyft 2%
Other 2%
Carpool / Vanpool 2%
Metro Bus, Local Bus, or Commuter Bus 0%

The Phase 2 survey regarding potential improvements at the intersection of South Military Highway (Route 13/Route 460) and George Washington Highway (Route 17), in the city of Chesapeake is complete.

Dates Number of Participants (unique individuals)
March 6-20, 2024

Intersection Alternatives

Five potential intersection concepts were identified to address the needs at the South Military Highway (Route 13/Route 460) and George Washington Highway (Route 17) intersection.

Dual Left Turns

  • Add dual eastbound and westbound left turn lanes at the intersection of South Military Highway and George Washington Highway.
  • Add a shared-use path along the south side of South Military Highway.
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5 11% 5% 14% 33% 36%

Partial Displaced Left Turn

  • Displace left turns on South Military Highway at the intersection of South Military Highway and George Washington Highway.
  • Add a shared-use path along the south side of South Military Highway.
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5
17% 15% 19% 15%


  • Remove all left turn movements at the intersection of South Military Highway and George Washington Highway.
  • Reroute left turn movements to roundabouts along George Washington Highway.
  • Add a shared-use path along the south side of South Military Highway.
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5
15% 7% 5% 7%

Quadrant Roadway

  • Remove all left turn movements at the intersection of South Military Highway and George Washington Highway.
  • Reroute left turn movements to two signalized intersections via a connector roadway.
  • Add a shared-use path along the south side of South Military Highway.
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Rate the concept on a scale of 1 to 5
18% 15% 8% 6%

Partial Median U-turn

  • Remove left turns on South Military Highway at the intersection of South Military Highway and George Washington Highway.
  • Reroute left turn movements to two signalized U-turn locations to the east and west of George Washington Highway.
  • Add a shared-use path along the south side of South Military Highway.
  1. Strongly oppose 2. Somewhat oppose 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat support 5. Strongly support
Please rate this proposed concept recommendation on a scale of 1 to 5.







Last updated: July 8, 2024

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