CU02: US 250

CU02 Overview Map

Route 22 TO Route 729


The survey regarding potential transportation safety and operations improvements at the intersection of Route 250 (Richmond Rd.) and Route 22 (Louisa Rd.), and the intersection of Route 250 (Richmond Rd.) and Route 729 (N. Milton Rd.) is complete.

Project Purpose

The purpose of this study will be to analyze the operational and safety issues identified along US 250 at the intersection of US 250 and Route 22 and US 250 and Route 729. The intersection of Route 250 and Route 22 has been identified as a Potential for Safety Improvement (PSI). Congestion has been observed between the two intersections on the two-lane bridge. Back-ups also occur heading eastbound at the Route 250 and Route 22 intersection. As a result, a high amount of rear ends have been observed. As well, the quarry's location generates frequent heavy vehicle traffic, with some heavy vehicles using the US 250 right-turn lane as parking. Finally, the westbound acceleration lane onto US 250 from Route 22 is short and does impact the operations and safety of the intersection.

The study goal will be to identify cost-effective innovative solutions that will improve the safety, reliability, and operations at the two US 250 intersections. Solutions will incorporate options to accommodate heavy vehicles while mitigating conflicts between heavy vehicles and traffic. The study team will also ensure that improvements are consistent with the County's comprehensive plan and contextually sensitive.

Study Partners

  • Albemarle County
  • Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • Charlottesville Area Transit

Key Points of Contact

District Lead: Charles Proctor

Lead Consultant:  Zach Harris


Phase 1 August 2021 – September 2021 Problem Diagnosis/Brainstorm Alternatives
Phase 2 October 2021 – March 2022 Stakeholder/Public engagement and feedback
Phase 3 March 2022 – July 2022 Investment strategy cost estimation and refinement

Last updated: May 16, 2024

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